Venture Out - 2021 Autumn Schedule of Programmes

Schedule of programmes Venture Out will be delivering during the next few months

August 30th - Sept 3rd

5 Day personal development programme (Mon-Fri 10-4pm), plus online coaching in weeks after

Eligibility - currently not in full time education or training and between 18-30yrs of age

There is a focus on employability throughout this programme.

September 20th - 26th

7 day wilderness based personal development expedition

Eligibility - Currently linked with a support service in the region

This is a greater undertaking, however it also has a greater impact for participants

October - November (8 week programme)

Weekly group based outdoor personal development programme

Meeting twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays 10am -1pm) for 8 weeks throughout Autumn months

Eligibility - In recovery or considered 'at risk' in relation to drugs and alcohol

Funded through the Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force

Unearth - 1:1 Support service

4 x half day support sessions over a set period of time

Eligibility - Young adults 18yrs + seeking extra support

Funded through the Ireland funds

All programmes will be delivered through the outdoors involving a diverse range of outdoor activities, and are all fully funded and free to participants referred through our partner support services.

If you would like more information or would like to refer a participant in to any of the above, please get in touch with us here,

Barry Dillon