RTE Toughest Team - Using the outdoors to work with a group of 'at-risk' young adults
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Check out RTE’s new Toughest Team programme with Davy Fitz for a little taste of the type of work we undertake with young people through the outdoors. While there are many big differences between their approach and ours, there are also many similarities to the way our programmes work.

Similar to our programmes, RTE’s new series use a range of carefully selected challenging outdoor based activities to help the young people learn about themselves and the world around them. Their team’s use of challenge and stress in a positive manner helps them to develop empathy, self awareness and self confidence, while they also harness the learning that naturally occurs from within the social group./

Its a great watch and while very different to our approach, it does gives people a glimpse into the type of young people we engage and the environments and activities we use in our approach.

You can click on the link above to view now on RTE player!

Barry Dillon