Research Highlight - 'Free range teenagers' and the role of wild adventure spaces

Each month we try to share some research and evidence promoting the work we do. Below is an interesting article on the benefits of exposure to wild locations for teenagers and young people.


The benefits of engagement with wild adventure space, including those that arise through activities organized within such environments, include the following.

a) Physical health

• increased levels of physical activity and fitness

• positive views towards undertaking physical activity

• contribution to tackling obesity in young people

• activation of higher cognitive processes and healthy brain development

b) Mental health

• promotion of mental health and emotional well-being, both short- and long-term

• long-term appreciation of wilderness and its therapeutic potential

• widening of horizons, exposure to different and striking environments that can stimulate emotional and even spiritual responses in young people’s lives

c) Development of positive self-image

• improved internalisation of locus of control and enhancement of self-control

• improved self-esteem and ability for goal setting

• enhancement of self-efficacy

• confidence about facing uncertainty

d) Social development

• promotion of language development and socialisation

• learning of social skills (e.g. interpersonal, negotiation and listening skills) and formation of peer groups

• development of flexibility and adaptability to changing surroundings

• encouragement of constructive use of leisure

• encouragement of responsibility

• changes in behaviour and dependencies such as drink or drugs

e) Educational development

• better understanding of young person’s developmental stage, interests and needs

• practical educational experiences and development of practical skills

• ability to realistically appraise risks

• acquisition of problem solving skills

• development of presentation skills

• Development of ecological consciousness, including environmental awareness and engagement with nature

f) Community development

• reduction in anti-social behaviour that affects others

• environmental and community improvements

• improved community relations

• economic benefits from tourism and residential trips to the countryside

• promotion of environmental awareness in young people’s homes

Barry Dillon